Three phases of the Kicking Horse Canyon Project have been completed since its launch in 2003.
Phase 1 – Yoho Bridge
- 3.2 km of highway upgrades
- 2 new (twin) bridge structures; also cost-saving and environmental impact-reducing cantilever bridge near Rafter’s Pullout
Cost: $64 million
Status: Completed Fall 2006

Phase 2 – Park Bridge
- Replace Park (10 Mile) Bridge
- 5.8 kilometres of 4-lane highway, reducing significant grades & improving horizontal alignment
- New rest area, brake check and recreational access point
Cost: $143 million
Status: Opened to traffic Summer 2007; construction completed 21 months ahead of schedule

Phase 3 East: Brake Check to Yoho National Park
- 4 -lane upgrade with median barrier
- 3-metre shoulders to accommodate cyclists
- Wildlife fencing & crossing structures
- Replace Mt. Hunter Creek Bridge
- Access consolidation
Cost: $66 million
Status: Construction began Sept.2008; open to traffic 2011
Phase 3 West: Golden Hill to West Portal
- Highway grade reduction, access consolidation, pedestrian \ cycling improvements, wildlife fencing & crossing structures
- Established west portal for Phase 4 alignments through Canyon
Cost: $53 million
Status: Final component completed 2013